• +971568905939
  • info@sustainableaerotech.com
  • 35003-001,Building A1, Silicon Oasis, Dubai
  • +971568905939
  • info@sustainableaerotech.com
  • 35003-001,Building A1, Silicon Oasis, Dubai
  • +971568905939
  • info@sustainableaerotech.com
  • 35003-001,Building A1, Silicon Oasis, Dubai

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Building A1, Silicon Oasis, Dubai

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Sustainable Aviation Solution – Aerowash

Manufactured in Sweden, the AW3 machine is designed to dry wash all types of aircraft, including widebodies such as Airbus A350, Boeing 787 , Boeing 777 and right up to the Airbus A380. The Aerowash is operated by a user friendly and wireless remote control. Light weight and flexible brush provides a superior cleaning result of the aircraft fuselage. Several safety features and alarm indicators protect the aircraft body and operator. The elaborated washing programs provides a time efficient washing process.

Conventional washing methods are labour intensive, consume too much water and make an aircraft unavailable for long periods of time while it is being cleaned. Aerowash sets new benchmarks in aircraft cleaning effectiveness, which accelerates cleaning times, reduces manpower requirements and saves water. It also increases an airline’s operational efficiency by improving aircraft turnaround times and reduces aerodynamic drag. The dry wash process is unique because it uses a plant-based product that is 100% biodegradable. It is manufactured by company, SOCOMORE, which has production plants in the UK, France and the US. The beauty of the substance is that it absorbs any dust or dirt, leaving a layer of shine on the aircraft. “The shine is not a wax kind of coating, it does not attract dust With a dry wash, the advantage is you don’t need to tow the aircraft either to the washing bay or the hangar wherever the aircraft is standing the remote-operated machine would come there, clean the aircraft, with hardly any residue falling on the ground.



Our Client

Aerowash Completed


Ground Time Saved (Hours)


Number of Deployed Units


Fuel Saved (T)


CO2 Emission Reduced (T)


Water Saved (T)